Many people have never even heard of a Finance Broker and have no idea what they do. This article will explain to you the purpose of a Finance Broker and explain how using a Broker can help you save time and money while securing low rate finance on a wide range of personal and commercial assets including cars, caravans, motorbikes and even property.
We work for you, not the finance company
The first thing that is important to note is that a Finance Broker works for you, not the financiers or banks. It is our job to compare hundreds of products from many of Australia’s most trusted bank and non-bank lenders to find finance that suits YOUR needs.
Better chance at being approved
Each finance company has difference lending criteria and appetite for risk. It is extremely hard as a consumer to determine whether or not you (and your vehicle or asset) are going to meet a financiers lending criteria. A lender will consider things such as your credit history, your personal circumstances, your capacity including income and expenses as well as the details of the vehicle or asset you wish to purchase. There are a huge number of considerations that go into making a decision to approve or decline an individual finance application. It is our job to know each of the financiers lending criteria inside out, to ensure that your application is put forward to the financier who is most likely to give you the best possible approval based on your individual circumstances. This gives you the highest possible chance of approval and affords you access to great finance options, some of which aren’t even available directly to the general public.
Access to more lenders
If you were to go to your bank for finance, you are talking to one financier. If you go to a dealership for your finance, they may have access to three financiers. Here at Loans For U, we have accreditations and established relationships with over 40 of Australia’s most revered bank and non-bank financiers. This gives you access to more lenders and a greater variety of choice for your finance.
You can save time and money
The best part about using a Finance Broker – you can save time and money because we do all the legwork for you. We assess your application against hundreds of finance products, we submit your application to the financier who can give you the best approval, we handle all the running around and collating paperwork for you. We can even source the perfect vehicle based on your specific needs from our dealership network. Simply tell us what you need – we’re here to help!
You’ll get a finance option tailored for your needs
Because we have access to so many products from so many financiers, we can find a finance package that best suits your needs – not just any old approval. Our specialist Finance Consultants have years of experience providing tailored finance solutions for thousands of clients throughout Australia just like you. Whether you’re looking to finance a car, bike, boat, house or even business equipment, we’re here to help. Get your pre-approval today and shop with confidence, simply call us on 1800 538 287 or get a quick finance quote online now.